Undercover police infiltrators and agent provocateurs have been inserted into the Occupy Wall Street movement and there is documentation to prove it.

The The Intel Hub tips us off to documentation of police infiltrators and agent provocateurs at Occupy Oakland.

Police Agent Provocateurs Infiltrate Occupy Wall Street

Police Agent Provocateurs Infiltrate Occupy Wall Street

Police Infiltrators and Agent Provocateurs At Occupy Oakland, Documented Fact

The criminals within the Oakland Police Department have been caught infiltrating and provocateuring the Occupy Oakland protests.

The use of agent provocateurs by police forces worldwide has been heavily documented. Police officers pretend to be protesters and then move to incite violence and sometimes carrying out violence themselves.

The police then react to this and attack and sometimes arrest all the innocent protesters based on what actual police operatives did!

This is the police running criminal provocateur operations to essentially destroy the first amendment in their push for a full scale police state.

This video from Copy Watch shows the police infiltrators inside the Occupy Wall Street movement is now a documented fact.

For more information on how the provocateurs will be used, see this article on the Pentagon’s deployment of 20,000 troops within the U.S. to deal with civil unrest.

Pentagon Deploying 20,000 Troops Within The United States To Prepare For Civil Unrest In Event Of Economic Collapse

Pentagon Deploying 20,000 Troops Within The United States To Prepare For Civil Unrest In Event Of Economic Collapse The pentagon has announced plans to deploy a 20,000 strong internal troop force within the united states over the next two years civil unrest in the even of a catastrophic even such as a massive large scale terror attacks or economic collapse — thus, dovetailing into the current troop and equipment movements reported around the country reported by truckers and many more sightings by others.

This has raised fears that the United States is moving ever closer to a total militarized police state, and some wonder if people will become desensitized to the implementation of martial law if once they become conditioned to seeing the military roaming the American streets on a daily basis. Others suggest the announcement of the troop deployment is part of some unknown larger plan being implement and due to the coincidental timing with the now apparently related pre-positioning of troops equipment and (NOTAM) No-Fly Zones in the Continental United States (CONUS).


Other speculation this may correlate with the debt ceiling talks which now seem to haven fallen apart and entered into the point of no return or if the announcement is related to recently reported nuclear threats from reactors in danger within the US.

The Russia today video attached below covers the many of the questions fears and shows a wide range of reactions from U.S. citizens about the Pentagon’s announcement of stationing 20,000 troops within the United States.


For more on the use of provocateurs and the governments’ plan to use them implement martial law during civil unrest see this.

An Army Slide Show Shows Which Army Officials Are In Charge Of What Areas

As the United Kingdom continues to riot many have wondered how the United States would respond to a similar outbreak of riots whether caused by an economic collapse, widespread terror attacks, or some other catalyzing event.

For those that are awake to the fact that the government was long ago taken over by elitist oligarchs, this question was answered years ago.


John Hudson, writing for the Atlantic Wire, has published an article about Operation Garden plot and an ominous tweet from White House correspondent Marc Ambinder.

“According to National Journal‘s White House correspondent Marc Ambinder the U.S. already has a game plan in place. “If what happened in London ever happened in the US, the military has plans — CONPLAN 3501 and 3502 — to suppress the ‘insurrection,” wrote Hudson.

CONPLAN 3501 and 3502, or Operation Garden Plot, is a long ago declassified plan that calls for the use of the military, in violation of Posse Comitatus, against the American people.

Garden Plot is a sub program of the infamous Rex84 which openly set up an unnamed number of detention camps in America.

Unfortunately, the indicators of potential violence outlined by the military that would cause this unconstitutional plan to be acted upon are happening as we speak.

An Army slide show also goes into more detail on the plans.
