NYPD Now Assaulting, Mass Arresting Crowd Of 6000 #OccupyWallStreet Protestors Spanning Over 1 Mile From Liberty Square All The Way Across The Brooklyn Bridge

Watch Live – Occupy Wall Street Protests

While the police led the crowd onto the bridge only to arrest them, they will use the justification the crowd was blocking traffic. They only problem is the NY Times reporter arrested for the crowd already put out the word that the police directed and aloud the crowd to go that way. The question is will the media lie for the NYPD or tell the truth?


Mass Arrests Taking Place On Brooklyn Bridge Where Police Have Barricaded Protestors

Mass Arrests Taking Place On Brooklyn Bridge Where Police Have Barricaded Protestors

13 year old, barely teenage girl arrested on Brooklyn Bridge

13 year old, barely teenage girl arrested on Brooklyn Bridge

It is estimated over 6,000 people have joined in today’s 3:00pm march from Liberty Square and the march of protestors now spans well over a mile. They are currently being kettled into nets, assaulted and arrested by the police.

Paddy Wagons Of NYPD arrive and start assaulting peaceful protestors again

Paddy Wagons Of NYPD arrive and start assaulting peaceful protestors again

The fist live feed is streaming live video of a line of protestors marching at liberty square.

Wall street Protestors In Financial District

Wall street Protestors In Financial District

The second live feed shows protestors marching through the financial district.

Line of Protestors between Liberty Square And Brooklyn Bridge

Line of Protestors between Liberty Square And Brooklyn Bridge

The third live feed shows protestors marching over the Brookly bridge.

Brooklyn Bridge Live Webcam

Brooklyn Bridge Live Webcam

The third feed is also reporting NYPD paddywagons have showed up and started kettling up protestors again.

Massive Crowd On The Brooklyn Bridge

Massive Crowd On The Brooklyn Bridge

There are fresh reports of police assaulting protestors again. I have witnessed  at least 20 arrests of protestors who appear to be do nothing.

Protestors hold hands in Solidarity as they are arrested one by one by the NYPD

Protestors hold hands in Solidarity as they are arrested one by one by the NYPD

The base of the Brooklyn Bridge where a strong contigent of NYPD officer have set up a barricade

The base of the Brooklyn Bridge where a strong contigent of NYPD officer have set up a barricade

Here is evidence the police diverted the protestors on the bridge.

Police stand on other end of Brooklyn Bridge directing and allowing protestors to walk into mass arrest trap

Police stand on other end of Brooklyn Bridge directing and allowing protestors to walk into mass arrest trap

I will update with YouTube Videos as they become available.

Videos from the live stream.

Not surprisingly some of these live video recordings of the protests are currently unavailable.

Live Stream Video Pages Go Offline

Live Stream Video Pages Go Offline

I trust at some point they will be come available so here they are.