Japan bans medical checkups and scientific research on radiation affected citizens without first getting government approval.

A doctor from the Tokyo University Institute of Medical Science reports that Tokyo hospital he works at has received a notice signed by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Health and Welfare banning medical research and checkups on citizens affected by radiation without first getting permission from Government controlled organizations and associations.

EX-SKF reports:


Thanks to the net, though, people are speaking up even in Japan and spreading information. Here are two such examples, tweets in Japanese from Japan. They could be what their government and its apologists call “baseless rumors”, but I doubt it although ‘m not giving any guarantee that they aren’t.


His June 13 tweet:

Message from the doctor I worked with in Iitate-mura [in Fukushima Prefecture], when we gave medical advice to the villagers. I don’t know what they [the government ministries] are thinking. “Today, our hospital received a written notice signed by both the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The notice says “The medical checkups and research of the residents in the areas affected by the nuke plant accident are allowed only if the permission to do so is given by the related scientific societies and associations; otherwise it would only increase the burden on the residents.””

This is just the latest round of Government sponsored censorship in Japan to cover up the nuclear disaster.

Japan Officially Orders Censorship Of Truth About Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Disaster

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