Rainwater across the entire United States is now testing positive for nuclear radiation contamination from Japan’s nuclear fallout.

Here is current home page of The Huffington Post.

Rainwater Across Entire US Contains Japan Nuclear Radiation

Rainwater Across Entire US Contains Japan Nuclear Radiation

Clicking on the individual stories quickly reveals that Japan nuclear radiation is being detected in rainwater across the entire United States.

For example:

Radiation In Massachusetts Rainwater Likely From Japan

Japan Nuclear Radiation Detected in Massachusetts Rainwater

Japan Nuclear Radiation Detected in Massachusetts Rainwater

BOSTON — Health officials said Sunday that one sample of Massachusetts rainwater has registered very low concentrations of radiation, most likely from the Japanese nuclear power plant damaged earlier this month by an earthquake and tsunami.

John Auerbach, the Massachusetts commissioner of public health, said that radioiodine-131 found in the sample – one of more than 100 that have been taken around the country – has a short life of only eight days. He said the drinking water supply in the state was unaffected and officials do not expect any health concerns.

Before I continue with more from the article, are you serious Mr, John Auerbach? You mean to tell me that Radioactive iodine is being found in the rainwater yet the drinking water is unaffected? Who, just WHO!? in their right mind is seriously going to believe that? Our drinking water comes from the rainwater. WOW!!!! Doublespeak at it’s finest.

And what in the world has happened to objective journalism? An official says something that is totally nonsensical and it is printed and echoed to every news outlet in the country without even being questioned for validity.

Continuing on…

Nevada and other Western states also have reported minuscule amounts of radiation, but scientists say those presented no health risks.

State officials said similar testing was done in California, Pennsylvania, Washington and other states, and showed comparable levels of Radioactive Iodine in the rain.

Here is a snippet The Huffington Post’s story of the radiation hitting Nevada.

Nevada Radiation: Tiny Amounts Reach State From Japan Nuclear Disaster

RENO, Nev. — Nevada has joined several western states in reporting that minuscule amounts of radiation from Japan’s damaged nuclear plant are showing up. But as with the other states, scientists say there is no health risk.

Extremely small amounts of the radioactive isotopes iodine-131 and xenon-133 reached a monitoring station by Las Vegas’ Atomic Testing Museum this week, said Ted Hartwell, manager of the Desert Research Institute’s Community Environmental Monitoring Program.

Hartwell said he’s certain the isotopes came from Japan because they’re not usually detected in Nevada. But he said the readings were far below levels that could pose any health risks.

“Unless you have an accident like this (in Japan) you wouldn’t expect to see this. No doubt it’s from Japan,” Hartwell told The Associated Press.

California, Colorado, Hawaii and Washington have also reported tiny amounts of radiation from the Japan accident. Officials have said those levels also are not harmful


Tiny amounts of the radioactive isotope cesium-137 were detected at a University of Nevada, Las Vegas laboratory between March 17 and 21, but haven’t been reported since then, Hartwell said.

WTF – They have been detecting this in the rainwater for over 1 1/2 weeks and they just tell us now!!

The Baltimore Sun reports on the radiation detected in Pennsylvania. But here is the ticker, the story is buried in The Baltimore SunEntertainmentFood & DiningDining@Large

Wait a minute, Food & DiningDining@Large
!? What does radiation in the water have anything to do with dining? Didn’t government officials say this wouldn’t have any effects on the drinking water?


Elevated radiation levels in Pennsylvania rainwater

Elevated levels of radiation in Pennsylvania’s rainwater?

“These detections were expected and the levels detected are far below levels of public-health concern,” says the EPA.

Here’s the statement.

While short-term elevations such as these do not raise public health concerns – and the levels seen in rainwater are expected to be relatively short in duration – the U.S. EPA has taken steps to increase the level of nationwide monitoring of precipitation, drinking water, and other potential exposure routes to continue to verify that.

The official Baltimore Sun response:

State officials say radiation traces detected in air no concern

Monitoring finds very low levels in air, but none in water or milk

Anyone with the smallest amount of critical thinking can see right through this.

Seriously, instead of downplaying this whole fiasco the government should be more responsible and arm people with knowledge to prevent against serious adverse health effects.

For example, the simplest measure you can take is buying a BUY A WATER PURIFIER – NOT A WATER FILTER – BUT A WATER PURIFIER.

Start here, do your research, and buy a good one.

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There is more that you can do… but let me do some more research and save that for another article.

Here is a nuclear cloud spread simulation of caesium based on 1/10th of Chernobyl levels.